All of us here at Lancing Football Club are saddened to hear of the passing of Vice President Jill Carlberg yesterday. Jill had been involved with Lancing FC since the early 90s when she was one of the ‘famous 4’ who ran the old tea hut and provided hospitality catering under the old stand at half time and after games and was also part of the production team that produced the matchday programme. Jill was married to Eric Fletcher and their son, Tim, was in the First Team. When Eric died Jill got remarried to Byron Carlberg who also served on the club’s committee at the time.

Our secretary, John Rea, remembers Jill fondly and said ‘Jill was also an excellent cook and her cakes became something of a legend, especially her cheese straws! Back in those days we used to print our own programmes on a Saturday morning using a clapped-out photocopier that was forever breaking down and suffering numerous paper jams! Jill was part of the “production team” in getting the programme collated and stapled’ Jill remained involved with the club right up until her death, sponsoring a game last season and still being a member of the ‘100 club’. Our deepest condolences go to Jill’s friends and family and we will hold a minute’s applause before the game to remember one of our longest serving supporters.