Following a thorough and extensive search Lancing FC are delighted to announce the appointment of Jamie Hollis as the new Men’s First Team Manager. Jamie was with the team last year as coach and makes the step up this season into the managerial hot seat. He will be joined by Phil Norman who remains Assistant Manager. Upon accepting the position Jamie had this to say;

‘I’m thrilled to take the on the role, we’re really pleased we have continuity and excited to continue building at Lancing. The supporters had a great time last season and I’m looking forward to delivering more moments to them, they’re a brilliant fan base and being a Lancing lad I feel it with them. We did really well last season, we all want more and it’s important we aim upwards, but it’s also important that we manage expectations, so we’re now fully focused on 2024/25 and what that looks like for us as a group.’


When asked about the playing squad Jamie added

‘As well as returning players, we’ve got some exciting lads coming in and the staff and I are really looking forward to getting into that first session and piecing it together.’

Chairman Barry Sutton said ‘We’re really pleased that Jamie has accepted the offer to step up as first team manager. We had some fantastic applicants for the role – the strongest group of applications I have seen since being involved with the club – but Jamie and Phil know the club and players better than anyone and will make a great team. They showed, when they had to step in for Dave last season, how well they could manage a game and Jamie being a Lancing lad only added to his appeal. I would also like to thank the committee for helping get this done so quickly. To sift through the applications, draw up a shortlist, hold interviews over two days and appoint the new manager within seven days of finding out the previous one was leaving was a great effort by everyone behind the scenes.’


There will be further announcements in due course as Jamie finalises his backroom team