We spoke with Jamie earlier today and asked him about reports that some players who played for us last season have ‘signed’ elsewhere. Jamie said,

‘The news of departures has been disappointing but not unexpected. When you have a season like last year you know that other clubs will come knocking. Any one wanting to better themselves has my best wishes and I hope to see their success continue up the ladder.’

When asked about the squad for the upcoming season Jamie had this to say

‘The staff and I have been extremely busy assembling your 2024/2025 Lancers and although I cannot give you any names yet, you’ll love them. We want to deliver you a team that represents the Lancing community, a team that represents YOU – a resilient, passionate, exciting and strong minded squad with hard working ethics. The squad is coming together well and we can’t wait to see you all back at Culver Road on July 2nd against Hassocks.’