This coming Saturday sees us take on old friends Phoenix Sport and we have made the game free entry for all Under 16s. Last season’s match saw the Lancers win 4-2 and the game promises to be a cracker! One of the great games at Culver Road was between Lancing and Phoenix Sports back in 2020 and you can see the highlights here Highlights | Lancing v Phoenix Sports | 01.09.20 ( Sadly Howie McConnell’s planned run to the ground to arrive before the match will have to be postponed as Howie has injured his ankle but he plans to run later in the season so watch out on social media. You can still donate here Fundraiser by Howie McConnell : Rising Money For Lancing FC (

September’s 100 Club draw has been made and the winners were

Finn Appleby – £75

Joy Slater – £50

Simon Chenery – £25

We would like to take this opportunity to also wish 100 Club co-ordinator a speedy recovery from his accident a couple of weeks ago. Dave is on the road to recovery and we all look forward to seeing him at Culver Road again soon.

You may have heard the rumours and I can confirm that they are true (oh yes they are) – the Lancing FC pantomime will be taking place on Sunday December 8th at Lancing Parish Hall. There will some familiar faces taking part so put the date in your diary – ticket and further details will be available soon.