Patrons Club & Business Partnership

Lancing FC – The 1941 Patrons Club
from £30 per month
Lancing FC are about to start another season in the Isthmian Football League. This will be our third season in this league, the highest level Lancing FC have played at since the Football Club was founded in 1941.
We are now establishing ourselves as a successful and sustainable community-based club and are determined to build our development programmes and continue to provide football at all levels in Lancing.
The 1941 Patrons Club was founded just over a year ago and consists of a select group of supporters and local business people who want to contribute to the Football Club and help us achieve our aims.
The Patrons Club raised over £6,000 in its first year and we are now opening up membership of the Club to recruit a further 20 members for the start of the 2023/24 Season.
Members donate a regular sum each month. This can be any sum you wish to donate although we suggest that membership should start at £30 per month. Membership can be paused or cancelled at any time.
There are a number of benefits for members of the 1941 Patrons Club –
• Personalised Membership Card and exclusive 1941 Patrons Club lapel badge
• Complimentary monthly entry to the Lancing FC 100 Club monthly cash prize draw
• Half-time hospitality in the Directors Lounge at selected home match
• Opportunity to purchase a Season Ticket at 10% discount
• Complimentary Match Programme at any matches you attend
• 1941 Patrons Club e-newsletter
• Acknowledgement (if requested) on the Lancing FC Website
• and update on the Clubs website and match day programmes.
Payment can be by cash, cheque or card at any game or a standing order mandate can be made to Lancing Football Club Barclays Bank
Sort Code 20-98-74 Account Number 70683701
For further details please contact:
Barry Sutton E:
By adding your support today Lancing FC has a brighter future tomorrow